
IRP by Beels

We are proud to announce that we are now a full partner for the Investment Readiness Process developed by Beels in Sweden.

The CEO Björn Larsson says “We are extremely happy to have a new partner in Finland who focus on ICT startups utilizing platform-based business models. These companies often require heavy investments, and it is therefore important to have a structured path defined attracting external financing”.

Read more about Beels and the IRP process here



SCDT links and a summary of the project where Micce had the role of coordinating company cooperation, describing the modular software and data aspects parts.

From Distinct Concepts Towards Integrated Socio-Technical Applications

FFRC eBooks 2/2024, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku

ISBN 978-952-249-613-3, ISSN 1797-1322

In the research-based e-book report of the Smart City Digital Twins (SCDTs) project, we have provided different conceptualization approaches on Smart City and Digital Twins, then attempt to merge those varying concept-lines with general guidelines for data management and knowledge management. It was a difficult task to bring together the smart city and the digital twin concepts into one common denominator. Smart cities can be defined as socio-technical urban systems. Cities are a social system with dynamics of people, goods, culture, biodiversity, sustainability, and creativity. Technical systems of these complex social system require intense technological infrastructures. Thus, the collection, extraction, consistency of the data in smart cities as socio-technical systems should ensure city planners, businesses, people to make current and future-oriented informed-decisions by considering all the urban data within cities. Further, this requires more data management and the integration of data sets into real urban planning processes. The essential challenge is the integration of data/information systems concerning each other and the development of systemic entities in cooperation with expert groups and experts from different professional areas of urban planning.

The concept of digital twins can be considered only if smart city reaches essential maturity, because digital twins, with their basic definition, are the real-time replication of a process, product and systems in digital environments. In this regard, various feasible frameworks and methods have been presented whether a city’s smart city initiatives have sufficient maturity e.g., for digital twin integration. Maturity of smart city and its systemic urban planning entities can be examined from the Smart City Wheel framework, as shown in the research report.

Also, in this final report, we identified ten key challenges of the co-creation of smart cities and digital twins and presented them in the following Policy Brief section. Often these dossiers have been developed in isolation, which is a problematic approach in many ways. This was also an important strategic issue and a key challenge for the Smart City Digital Twins project.

This publication is the final report of the Smart City Digital Twins project, which includes the following topics. In Chapter 1, we motivate the readers of our report on the different themes of Smart City Digital Twins development activities. The Smart City Digital Twins challenge affects all public sector and urban developers, as well as businesses and industry, the academic research community, and civil society actors (i.e. the so-called “Digital Twins”). Quadruple Helix stakeholders). In Chapter 2, we introduce readers to the content discussion of both Smart City and Digital Twin concepts and recent scientific developments in the field. In this context, we see that scientific research today provides a strong case for the development of smart cities and digital twins. In Chapter 3, we provide a methodological overview of the foresight and urban planning methods used during the project, which were also piloted in the project. In Chapter 3 Boyd Cohen’s Smart City Wheel approach is introduced and data collection/management framework of urban city studies is explained. In Chapter 3, we also explain Benchmarking, Bench-learning, and Bench-action Process approach, participatory hybrid foresight framework, and applied case study framework of cities. In Chapter 4, we report insights into smart city digital twins’ development from urban case studies (Turku, Gdańsk, Wrocław, and Vilnius). Insights are based on qualitative and quantitative analyses.  In Chapter 5, conclusive remarks and reflections are presented.


Digital Twins

DT’s have been around for a long time. DT’s are also becoming a buzzword for many different digital development. We have heard about DT’s for factories, cities and metaverse among others. Digital Twins should have feedback to the origin of the data whileDigital Shadows are merely copies of DT’s. What is a digital twin? This is what I explain in this article for the national Tivia organisation in their news. Open the Finnish article here:

Simulator at Solent, Southampton, UK – picture by Micce

Baltic Rim Economies

Centrum Balticum communicates, coordinates, and connects Baltic Sea region cooperation. CB have extensive experience in Baltic Sea region project cooperation. Here you can open their portfolio for examples of what CB have achieved.

I was invited to write an article of how digitalization could be developed in EU and especially between Finland and Sweden. I wanted to focus on cooperation in various networks and the, surprise surprise, digital business development. Thank you to Professor Kari Liuhto at the University of Turku for the invitation.

Read my full article here Here you also find other interesting articles about art, logistics, defense and many other interesting topics. Article originally published 31st of October 2023.


Digital models

Business Finland and their Data Economy program will play a big role in developing new smart business models based on data and digital solutions. The Frost & Sullivan report points out several key points for development. Sitra has their Growth from Data Programme and the public sector has their Public Administration API Principles report pointing out the way of creating modular API based data sharing.

Read the full article written for Tivia in Finnish here (originally published 16th of June 2023)



Digital Business Models

Everyone talks about digitalization, and everyone knows its important. Digitalisation is a wide topic which include skills, strategies, data, software and maybe the most important: Your business model. How do we scale up and monetize our business by changing it from a process-based business to a API based business and from there to a platform business?

We strongly beleive we can help you defining a path and an API strategy for creating a Digital Business Model.

Can any business create new business models with API’s? Yes, as long as you are open for “thinking out of the box”, have data and have an organization that is open for changes. You also need time to rewrite your company and API strategies, creating your API’s and testing them internally, finding partners and networks and finally making the business of it all.

Is it easy? Probably not if you are already an established company.

Is it expensive? Depending on the current level of your digitalization, probably yes. It will take time and require resurces.

Do you want to find out more? Give us a call.


Here we are

1st of January 2023

I’m the CEO and owner of Musaa Oy. Happy to get my company up and running again after many years of idle life. I want to inform about is that I’m now the chairman of VSTKY which is the regional part of national Tivia (Finnish Information Processing Association). I’m also a board member in Tivia for 2023 – 2024.

What is VSTKY and Tivia?
Both are non-profit organisations for helping both new talents as well as experienced talents to find networks and companies. We also help with education with shorter infos e.g. as helping Turku.AI.